Why do I get headaches?
Headaches are common. You might get a headache when you’re sick – they’re frequently a symptom of infections like colds and sinusitis. Dehydration, loud noises, and bright lights can also trigger headaches. However, these types of headaches usually disappear within a few hours or days.
One of the most likely causes of everyday headaches is stress and tension, which tightens your head and neck muscles. Neck injuries can also cause pain to travel into your head, or you might have neuralgia — pain coming from a nerve in your head. There are also many kinds of headaches where the cause is unknown.
Two headaches the Onesource Sports Neuro Rehab team sees frequently are migraines and cervicogenic headaches.

What are migraines and cervicogenic headaches?
Migraines are headaches that cause such disabling symptoms that it’s often impossible to function normally. The pain in your head is likely to be severe and could be accompanied by:
- Visual disturbances (aura)
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Sensitivity to light, sound, smell, or touch
Migraines can persist for several hours and sometimes days. They may infrequently occur in some people, but for others, migraines strike numerous times each month. It’s unclear exactly what causes migraines, but genetics and musculoskeletal issues could be significant.
Cervicogenic headaches stem from a problem with your neck. The pain spreads into your forehead and sometimes around your eyes. Other symptoms are similar to migraines —nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light or sound. You might also have pain in one or both arms and difficulties moving properly.

How are headaches treated?
The first stage in treating headaches successfully is determining what kind of headache you have and its cause. Your Onesource Sports Neuro Rehab provider performs a physical exam with a medical history and symptom review. They may order imaging tests to look for abnormalities or injuries.
Depending on what their evaluation reveals, your provider creates a treatment plan for you that could include:
Medicines can reduce the intensity of headaches like migraines and stop you from having them so often.
Physical therapy and manual manipulation
Cervicogenic headaches and others that cause problems like dizziness could benefit from manual manipulation and various kinds of physical therapy.
Some of the techniques the Onesource Sports Neuro Rehab team uses include upper cervical spine (neck) joint mobilization or manipulation, thoracic (upper back) manipulation, and deep cervical flexors endurance exercises. Spinal decompression could also help.
Healthy living
Lifestyle changes can help prevent headaches. For example, getting seven to nine hours of good quality sleep each night, choosing healthier foods, drinking plenty of water, regular exercise, and reducing stress levels.
If headaches interfere with your life, get an expert diagnosis and treatment. Call Onesource Sports Neuro Rehab today or book an appointment online.